Ian Daniel Stewart

That's me. This is my blog.

  • There are two goal-setting frameworks that have become helpful to me over the past few months. The SMART and SMARTER frameworks. They’ve both brought clarity into how I think about achieving results at work and in my day-to-day life. SMART Goals SMART is an acronym that acts as a mnemonic and framework for setting objectives…

  • There’s something uniquely challenging yet profoundly rewarding about wrapping meetings as the sun sets at home in the middle of Canada while the sun is rising on a teammate in Taiwan but this is just my weekly routine. As a lead at Automattic I’m responsible for leading and directing individuals and teams distributed remotely around…

  • A few weeks ago Dave Martin told me about Dharmesh Shah’s unique way of providing context to communication with hashtags. Shah cofounded Hubspot with Brian Halligan at MIT in 2006. At some point in the history of Hubspot he found himself struggling with conveying how strongly he felt about information he shared. To counter this…

  • If you’re interested in becoming a better coach, manager, or leader — or you just want to start asking better questions at work — check out The Coaching Habit from Michael Bungay Stanier. You get practical advice on what coaching is, why you’d want to do it, and how to immediately improve. It’s pretty easy…